Wednesday 12 October 2016


What is it:

Stem cell operation performed by Professor Lyndon Da Cruz at Moorfields eye hospital in London, has offered a new hope for the treatment of blindness.
This eye surgery has the potential to reverse the vision loss. The technology is a boon for those suffering from Age-related Macular Degeneration.
Age-related Macular Degeneration is also popular by other names such as Macular Degeneration or AMD. Macular Degeneration is a disease related to Macula.
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Macula is a yellowish central part of the retina which is responsible for acuity of the vision. Any person affected by Macular Degeneration finds it difficult to perform some basic tasks like driving, reading, working on computer or mobile phone etc. It has been observed that this disease affects white population more in comparison to blacks. Macular Degeneration causes loss of the central vision and generally affects both the eyes. According to an estimate there are more than 600000 people affected by AMD in UK alone.
AMD is the main causes of vision loss after the age of 50. The main symptom of AMD is the blurred area near the central vision.

How the stem cell eye surgery is performed:

Before discussing the stem cell surgery procedure, I want to let you know what the stem cells are ? Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells. These cells are capable to differentiate into specialized cells. It is possible for the stem cell to produce more stem cells by dividing itself. This division takes place through a process known as mitosis.
So lets now understand how the stem cell surgery is performed. In this surgical procedure single stem cell is taken from an unused donated embryo. These embryos are the embryos that were created during In-Vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment.
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Now this stem cell is grown into a patch of nearly 100000 working retinal pigment cells. Now a tiny slit is made into the eye and that patch is inserted through that slit after rolling it into a tube form. When it reaches at the right place behind the retina, it unfurls there. This whole eye surgery procedure takes about 45 minutes to finish.

Successful trials:

The very first experiment was performed on a 60 years old women having severely impaired eyesight and the good news is; it was successful, without any complications so far !!! 
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This breakthrough has paved the way for the treatment of millions of sufferers of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) to prevent them from going blind.

Key points:

·  Stem cell operation was first performed by Professor Lyndon Da Cruz at moorfields eye hospital in London.
·   The first person to get the benefit of stem cell operation was, a 60 year old woman.
·   It can prove to be a boon for the blindness due to Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD).
·   Millions of people are suffering from Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) worldwide, which is the main cause of blindness after the age of 50 years.
·   The eye surgery involves taking a single stem cell from the unused donated embryos that were created during In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment. 


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